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Why beating the child at school
By Shafique Qureshi
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It is great disaster of education system in Pakistan that on one side Pakistan is labeling its latest education system, technology introduction in governmental and non-governmental schools, most of the school displayed slogans such as, "MAAR NAHIN PIYAAR" (No Punishment but Love ) "ENTER TO LEARN GO FORTH TO SERVE" and on the other side a child is being beaten by the teacher who is also known as 2nd mother or father, because he/she provides an education to the child, because child became a civilized and professional citizen of the country after getting an education by the teacher, but how much brutal news appears on the media that a child in Hyderabad School is beaten by the teacher and got disabled chronically maybe forever, his whole life has been damaged, his career and everything related to his normal life has been spoiled just because of teacher.

I am talking about the student Mudassar Aslam who was severally punished the teacher at school in Hyderabad Pakistan, which might aggravated his physical condition on Nov 21 which required two intestinal surgeries.

What is all this about, is any teacher allowed to beat a child as much as he/she can for not attending school for one day because the child was sick or maybe any other reason could happen to the child mostly in middle class society, is this is called a school where child come to learn but he/she get burn, maybe the child could succeed to get treatment facilities, maybe he could get an opportunity to be operated to make him normal but, will that teacher be able to understand his suffering, his mourning pain, his each day that he spent on the bed with crying eyes, will that teacher go through the situation that a child parents gone through during the whole process of being damaged and till the end of treatment NO. The teacher could never give the return of a MINUTE tear and pain of that child.

I urge all the governmental institutions and lawful authorities to take necessary against the teacher involved in beating a child in Hyderabad School and immediately dismiss his services, why the only government bear the expenses of child I suggest the property of the teacher may be sold out to treat the child medically because government has not asked to disable the child to teacher. It is our great problem that whenever any incident happen in the country we blame to the government, in fact we must look forward the actual reason of the incident either that is the news about Bomb Blast, Fire Incident, Traffic Jam or what so ever, I am sure that the government will definitely resolve the issue but in the first stage we must find out the actual reasons and actual incident that happened.

I also appeal to all governmental, non-governmental schools, Madraesas that a child should not be tortured for not attending the institution or being late, because a child is just like their son or daughter, the child is a flower that will be finish by squeezing them in hands, the deserve our love, due care and soft language, we must understand the psychology, feelings of the child delicately because every child is the future of Pakistan, every child came in this world to live with peace of mind with spirit of doing something for home and country.



Shafique Qureshi said…
I hope that we all get together to select what is right for us and for Pakistan......

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